What We Do

Renewable Energy Through the Grid

Etana Energy is revolutionising how businesses access clean, affordable power. Through the energy wheeling model, we provide direct access to renewable electricity generated from our portfolio of wind and solar projects across South Africa.

What is Energy Wheeling? 

Energy wheeling gives your business access to clean, competitively priced electricity through the grid.

Etana partners with independent power producers (IPPs) to source renewable energy, from wind and solar farms located across South Africa.

You sign a power purchase agreement with Etana to cover a high percentage of your electricity usage.

You continue to get all your energy from the grid. Every month, you pay Etana for the renewable energy that you consume, and Eskom or your municipality for the remainder of the electricity consumption, plus a "wheeling" fee to use the grid. 

This model enables IPPs to build their wind and solar projects where those resources are most abundant, ensuring you get access to the most cost-effective clean electricity possible, without any hassle or capex investment. 

The result? We help you reduce your carbon footprint and your operating costs, and more renewable energy generation gets added to our grid. It's a win-win-win for your business, the country and the planet.

Ready to unlock the power of renewable energy through the grid?
With Etana it’s simple.

How Pricing Works

Transparent, Flat-Rate Tariff Structure

Etana offers a single, flat tariff (R/kWh) for all the renewable electricity we supply, which includes Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). 

Higher Savings with Longer Contracts

Our wheeled renewable energy tariffs are immediately cost-competitive compared to standard grid electricity rates, delivering you immediate savings. We offer contract durations ranging from 5 to 20 years. The longer your contract, the lower your tariff  and the higher your savings. 

Forward Price Certainty

Etana's inflation-linked annual escalations provide you with long-term price stability, shielding your business from above-inflation Eskom rate increases. 

Zero Upfront Investment Required

There is no capital expenditure needed to access Etana's renewable energy. This frees up your resources to invest in other critical areas of your business.