Renewable Energy Certificates
A Simple Solution for Clean Electricity Verification
As businesses increasingly seek ways to meet their sustainability goals, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) offer a straightforward and reliable solution to track and verify the use of clean electricity. At Etana, we provide RECs to our customers as part of our clean energy offering.
A REC is an official document proving that one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from a renewable energy source, like a wind or solar plant. These certificates are issued by and recorded in a digital registry managed by an independent authority, which ensures their integrity.
RECs are allocated to Etana by our renewable electricity suppliers, and we then pass them on to our customers based on the amount of renewable electricity they consume in a year. This allows businesses to credibly report on their low-carbon electricity consumption and enhance their sustainability efforts. As owners of these certificates, customers have two primary options:
Retiring RECs: Customers can "retire" their RECs, meaning they link them to their own electricity consumption in that year. This way, a company can credibly claim that a certain percentage of its electricity came from renewable sources.
Trading RECs: Alternatively, customers can sell their RECs. For example, if a company only needs 50% of its electricity to be from renewables, but it has additional RECs, it can sell those on the market to other companies looking to meet their own carbon reduction targets.
By choosing Etana, businesses receive not only competitively priced electricity from renewable sources, but also the means to prove where their electricity has come from. RECs provide a powerful tool for traceable, clean electricity usage, and enable businesses to meet their specific decarbonisation targets and enhance their sustainability profiles.